Early Online (Volume - 9 | Issue - 1)

Experience of Anesthesiology Residents in the conduct of their Research during Residency Training at Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center

Published on: 26th February, 2025

Introduction: Research provides a framework for Anesthesia residents who are critical thinkers who approach clinical practice with an open mind. The goal of this study was to determine current attitudes regarding performing research during residency as well as perceived obstacles to doing so. A resident physician should be ready to face the challenges of the growing technology, tons of journals published in different portals, and increasing sophistication of the health care delivery system. Practice-based learning, systems-based practices, and medical knowledge are the vital core directly affected by strong research skill set. Methods: The study was done through a survey of all 15 current residents in Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center Anesthesia Resident. They answered a 13 self-administered survey, which was adopted from previous similar research. Data was collected for 1 week to give time to the busy schedule of the resident. Results: Respondents cited that the lack of time in balancing clinical and research responsibilities is the most common obstacle encountered by 86.7% of respondents. Researchers feel they have inadequate research skills and a lack of time in balancing responsibilities between family and work was among the most common answers by the respondents. 2nd prevalent barrier to research during residency was a lack of mentoring. Conclusion: The top barriers to research are lack of time and inadequate access to research mentors. These barriers can be addressed to optimize the current research environment for residents. Anesthesia residents identified several critical aspects that they believe are obstacles to research. These findings can be used by programs to overcome hurdles and increase the inclusion of research into residency training.
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